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23 2月, 2010

Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero! 節約能源!是你我的事!

At TED2010, Bill Gates unveils his vision for the world's energy future, describing the need for "miracles" to avoid planetary catastrophe and explaining why he's backing a dramatically different type of nuclear reactor. ...

Bill Gates 在片中提出很多觀點,像是 CO2= P x S x E x C,重點不外乎要大家節約能源、降低碳排放。最近幾年,多位高人、長老、大師、專家、電影、小說不斷告誡,地球快要受前所未有汙染,恐怕要巨變了。但是,實際付諸的行動實在少之又少!油價一樣便宜、機車不斷增加、包裝過度、回收進度緩慢、廢水汙染依舊、綠地不斷減少.....

CO2 = P x S x E x C
Meaning this: the climate emissions of human civilization are the result of four driving forces:
* Population: the total number of people on the planet (which is still increasing because we are not yet at peak population).
* Services: the things that provide prosperity (and because billions of people are still rising out of poverty and because no global system will work unless it's fair, we can expect a massively increased demand for the services that provide prosperity).
* Energy: the amount of energy it takes to produce and provide the goods and services that our peaking population uses as it grows more prosperous (what some might call the energy intensity of goods and services). Gates believes it's likely cutting two-thirds of our energy waste is about as good as we can do.
* Carbon: the amount of climate emissions generated in order to produce the energy it takes to fuel prosperity.

大家心存:沒這麼嚴重啦!一人浪費一度、一升,合起來就是千萬億焦耳的資源浪費。用油價控制大眾交通運輸,用低票價鼓勵大家搭乘大眾捷運系統,甚至於,約束進城必須高承載,這些在其他國家都慢慢開始施行。我是不知道政府具體做了什麼 (若有,真是抱歉了,原來你們都是偷偷做事,真好~) ,也不知道有沒有計算過,紅燈過多、過長浪費的汽油是多少,路面崎嶇破壞的車輛有多少,道路該彎不彎該直不直、浪費在鬼打牆似的路線設計上會消耗多少汽油(開車上班塞車時,我腦海理不斷出現的問題) 。當然還有很多,這裡只不過僅僅舉了交通的例子罷了。

汽機車排放的空汙標準,是不是該逐年愈加嚴格?電器運轉效能,是不是該研發提升?替代能源是不是開始思考了?新社區、新大樓是不是強制全部要加裝太陽能、風力發電裝置?獎勵替代能源發明?台灣沒石油、沒鈾礦、沒有煤炭... 等到哪一天缺了這些能源來源,我們要回到石器時代嗎?發明手搖發電電腦?唉。唉。唉。

人類不到黃河心不死,不見棺材不掉淚的心態,到底要何時才會覺悟呢?莫非,你們 (政府們) 在西藏真的在蓋大船等著逃生嗎?

22 2月, 2010

推薦一個人(Michelle Phan)的影音網誌

妳是女生嗎?推薦一個人(Michelle Phan)的影音網誌,學點時尚,還可以學英文喔~ 呵呵。

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